will give a talk about regional #km principles at #ic6 (intellectual capital for communities) in june in paris http://bit.ly/ag59p9 #ncop
Fri Apr 30 22:46:15 +0000 2010
Replying to @SimonDueckert
RT @timoreilly Le Corbusier: "A house is a machine for living." @tomcoates "A city is a machine for interacting."
Mon May 03 22:01:19 +0000 2010
Replying to @SimonDueckert
RT @mashable 26 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed - http://bit.ly/biUjqx
Mon May 03 22:05:23 +0000 2010
Replying to @SimonDueckert
RT @ConfluenceGuru: Ad hoc Workflows for Confluence 3.0.2 is out! Reporting Plugin integration and more http://bit.ly/awp302
Thu May 06 21:31:12 +0000 2010
knowledge management = general management 2.0 #km #kmers #e20 #orgdev #insight
Mon May 10 21:56:09 +0000 2010
twitter - social network or news media? http://tinyurl.com/2azsvfo korean #study by kaist (PDF, 4,8MB) #km #e20 #kmers #microblogging
Wed May 19 05:02:22 +0000 2010
A long week is over: a #projectdebriefing, #km consulting, a #wiki kickoff, regional km planning and #pkm coaching. need three days off :-)
Fri May 21 12:18:19 +0000 2010
!!!!!!!!!! RT @kmjuggler: Knowledge and information are NOT synonyms - knowledge is always connected to humans #km #kmers #e20
Fri May 21 16:18:58 +0000 2010
RT @weknowmore: At UNICEF we use Yammer as an internal communication tool #kmers
Tue May 25 16:22:05 +0000 2010
Booked my hotel for #ic6 at #worldbank office in paris next week (program http://bit.ly/dmc51h, PDF) #km #ncop #cluster #knowledgecities
Tue May 25 21:58:09 +0000 2010
@Audi_online : got my new audi for two weeks now and I've got to say it: THX AUDI TEAM, it's a great great car :-) #audi #enthusiasm
Wed May 26 12:56:15 +0000 2010
Some sources I am using in a personal #km coaching at the moment http://tinyurl.com/327poay #pkm #gtd #scrum
Thu May 27 05:59:21 +0000 2010
Travelling: today New Club of Paris 2010 General Assembly http://tinyurl.com/yghekpc, tue/wed IC6 conference in #paris #km #ic #ncop
Mon May 31 07:04:37 +0000 2010
last finetuning of my pres. called "Quality of Life as Regional KM Principle" at #ic6 in paris tomorrow. publish it afterwards #km #ncop